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Árnafjørður - Norðtoftir

The hike up from Árnafjørður is lovely and peaceful. Reaching the pass Toftaskarð, a splendid view opens up to you
The mountains in the Northern Isles are high, craggy and awe-inspiring. The crags are broad and steep, and hardly anything grows near the peaks. Part of this hike goes through this area, making for some rough walking, especially down through the pass Toftaskarð.
The path starts down in the village of Árnafjørður and goes up through a new lane, running just west of the house that stands at Viðurbyrgi 23. (see ‘starting point’ below)
For the first stretch, the path is easy to see, but further up in the valley Svartadalur it becomes more difficult to spot. But a few cairns lead the way up through the valley. It is easy and very peaceful to walk up Tólvmarkaknúkur, a large knoll, continuing through the lower, middle and upper paths of the crags, and finally reach Toftaskarð.
The pass is very rocky, making the hike down to Norðtoftir quite difficult and potentially dangerous. Keep to the east side of the pass throughout the rocky stretch until the terrain becomes grass covered. Then, go straight down east of Sjøt, continuing on the path in the í Kleiv area all the way to Norðtoftir.
There are no gates in the fences of the outfields, so you must find a good place to climb over them. Using a gpx-file is recommended in order to find the right path through the outfields.
The hike can be taken in either direction.
It is possible to walk a part of the trail, up to the pass Toftaskarð, where you can enjoy magnificent views. From there you can take the path down to Klaksvík via Katlarnar. Here you can take the path from the pass Áarskarð down to the portals of the tunnels.
Árnafjørður - Norðtoftir
Public transport
Bus route 500 (Klaksvík – Viðareiði) drives to both locations.
Arriving by car
Árnafjørður is also easily accessible by car 10 min drive from Klaksvík
Parking, Árnafjørður
Parking is available by the road where the village path starts – note the green lines. From there, follow the blue line up through the lane.
Norðtoftir - Árnafjørður
Public transport
Bus route 500 (Klaksvík – Viðareiði) drives to both locations.
Norðtoftir is also easily accessible by car 15 min from Klaksvík
Parking, Norðtoftir
Parking is available about 210 metres west of Norðtoftavegur 10 – note the green lines. From there, follow the blue lines up to the sheep pen, and then continue straight up the hill for another 120 metres or so until you reach the path.
Árnafjørður - Norðtoftir
Norðtoftir - Árnafjørður