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The west side of Suðuroy is tall and steep in many places, and the land surrounding Fámjin is no different

About the village

Fámjin is located on the west side of Suðuroy.
The west side of Suðuroy is tall and steep in many places, and the land surrounding Fámjin is no different, for Fámjin namely lies right next to Gluggarnir, which with its 610 metres is the tallest mountain in Suðuroy.
Fámjin won the ‘Clean and Green Award’ in 2006 and 2010. This award is given to villages that have made an outstanding preserving the enviroment and in the well being of the villagers.
The church in Fámjin was built in 1876, and is a historical monument in the Faroe Islands, especially because of the flag that has been placed in the church; The first ever Faroese flag. It was made in 1919 by Jens Olivur Lisberg from Fámjin and two of his fellow comrades.
Above the village in beautiful surroundings, lies a big lake called Kirkjuvatn. The name means The Lake of the Church.

In the church of Fámjin, on the porch, you can fine the ‘Fámjinsteinurin’, a runestone dating to ca. the 14th century, and inscribed with latin and runic letters. This runestone was probably a tombstone, as the inscriptions seem to make out only initials, but the stone itself is interesting as it points to old traditions and the use of runes into the late Middle-Ages.


About other villages on Suðuroy, read here.

