
Vatnsdalsvatn is the 3rd largest lake on Vágar. Situated in a valley by the village Bøur, it is relatively easy to get to, although the climb up is steep. The hike would start by the stream "Breiðá" halfway between Bøur and Sørvágur. It takes roughly an hour to hike up to the lake.

On the map, Vatnsdalsvatn appears completely heartshaped, though, the changes in the coast around it over the years has morphed it slightly. This makes it ideal for a romantic hike, and many a couple has had their photo taken with the heartshaped lake in the background. Don't forget to look around you though, because from the same spot where you will get the picture of the heartshaped lake, you will also get a fantastic panoramic view of the west coast of Vágar, including Tindhólmur and Mykines.